Sacramento Adult Abuse Victims Law Firm
Sexual abuse means any form of sexual contact that is unwanted by one of the parties. Child sexual abuse is inappropriate or unwanted sexual contact between an adult or older teen and a child. Abusers utilize this behavior in order to obtain power over the victim and usually involves a betrayal of the child’s trust.
Types of Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse can occur in many different forms, some of which includes physical contact or touching transgressions. This may mean fondling, touching sexual organs, masturbation, forcing the child touch the adult in a sexual way, and anal or vaginal penetration with objects or self. Other offenses may include acts that did not involve douching, such as exposing a minor to pornographic material, indecent exposure, leering and intentionally causing the child to be forced to have to observe acts of sexual intercourse.
If you or someone you love is an adult who has recently come to terms with the reality of sexual abuse and needs assistance from an experienced and qualified attorney, contact the legal team at the Law Offices of Teal and Montgomery. We have offices in Santa Rosa and Sacramento and will fight to represent your Adult Victims of Sexual Abuse case and fight for your justice. Call us today at 916-448-1010 or contact us online.
Emotional Ramifications of Past Sexual Abuse
If you were sexually victimized as a child, the emotional wounds you experience may not ever completely heal. Sexual abuse can have a negative impact on your relationships with your friends and loved ones. You may experience low self-confidence, intimacy struggles, as well as a variety of other problems. It may take years or more for you to have the strength to discuss this trauma.
Choosing to take action against your abusers may be a way to begin the healing process from the atrocious abuse in your past. At the Law Offices of Teal & Montgomery, our attorneys provide compassionate representation to adult victims of childhood sexual abuse. With offices in Sacramento and Santa Rosa, we have the ability to assist people throughout Northern California. If you were victimized by a teacher, a clergy member or priest, a relative or other authority figure, we can help you pursue the justice you deserve.
What if the abuse happened many years ago?
Your sexual abuse may have occurred several years ago. You may be concerned about whether you are even able to bring a claim. California law allows adult victims of abuse to bring civil claims many years after childhood abuse. Specifically, you are able to bring a claim eight years after you reach the age of majority (18 years old) or three years after you discover psychological damage as a result of abuse, whichever is later.
Our law firm has decades of experience and will advise you of your rights under the law. If you are able to bring a claim, we will locate your abuser, as well as anyone who allowed the abuse to take place. We are proud of our record helping those injured by another’s wrongful conduct, and we will work diligently to help you recover financial damages for your injuries. We know that a settlement or a jury verdict cannot undo the damage of the abuse. It may, however, help you move forward from this difficult time.
What happens now?
The investigative process required to pursue a legal suit against your perpetrator may be an emotional one for you, but we will be with you every step of the way. Some things that may be a part of the process are:
- Interviews with you, friends, witnesses, or parents
- Research of any medical evidence you have proving abuse took place
- Interviews with psychiatrists or other medical professionals who have treated you
Contact Our Sacramento Sexual Abuse Lawyers
If you are ready to speak with us, we want to hear from you. Contact us or call 916-448-1010 to schedule a free initial consultation at your convenience.